but look how bad
the job market is.
There's Valerie Desmond.
See you guys.
Look how tight
her ass is today.
Oh, man. You think
there's any way...
she would ever go out with me?
- No.
- Oh, thanks.
It's this whole stupid
capitalist system, you know?
It's set up to heap rewards...
on the advantaged
and the aggressive...
and to make sure
that two regular schmoes...
like you and me never get a date
with girls like Valerie Desmond.
I hate the whole bourgeois
mentality of this school.
Let me ask you
something else, man.
Do you make this bullshit up
as you go along...
- or do you actually read this?
- I read this. It's Karl Marx.
Famous book.
"Proletarian Chicks in Bondage."
It's a Condom House book.
Comes with a leather hood.
Is that the one
with the pictures?
- Can I borrow that?
- Let's move on.
Well, no, it's, you know...
Oh, yeah. Well, you know.
Dad, what are you doin' here?
I'm robbin' your room,
that's what I'm doin' here.
We drive 300 miles
to see the kid...
that's the greeting we get.
Come here, will ya?
How ya doin' there?
I'm sorry.
I'm really glad to see you...
but I wish
I knew you were coming.
I'll bet you did, huh?
I looked for you
at that fraternity house.
- They said you weren't a member.
- I can explain that.
They also told me
you're not on the diving team.
They said you were
the towel boy.
- I can explain that, too.
- OK, explain it.
- I lied.
- Great. That explains it, huh?
Jason, you don't lie to me.
You lie to girls.
Who's this?
Oh, I'm sorry.
This is my roommate.
That's Derek Lutz.
This is the dad,
and that's Lou.
- Is that your real hair?
- What do you think?
I think you're trying
to get back at your parents.
Show me the campus.
I want to talk to you.
Oh, good.
Boy, what a great-lookin' place.