Back to School

Shake it up, baby
Twist and shout
Come on, come on, come on, baby
Come on and work it on out
You know you twist it,
little girl

Lower, baby, lower.
Hey, guys,
let me see some I.D.

Not that low, baby.
Come on and twist a little
closer now

To the left, baby, to the left.
And let me know you're mine
That's the spot, baby.
Hold it, hold it!
Oh, you are there!

Shake it, baby
Shake it, shake it, baby
Come on and shake it,
shake it, shake it, baby

- Shake it now
- Shake it

OK, go ahead.
Jason, what are you doing here?
What am I doing here?
What are you doing here?

We were supposed to study,
remember, in the library?

The library.
I was supposed to be there.

Hey, what's going on?
Chas, check it out.
Hey, Clark.
Interesting little rally
you guys had tonight.

Yeah, right. They got paint
all over my girlfriend.

I'm gonna kill
them little pinheads.

Yeah? Well, you came
to the right place...

because guess who's here...
Derek Lutz.

Hey, Lutz!
You know who I am?
Let me see...
supra-orbital ridges...

small cranium,
1,300 C.C. Brain...

Neanderthal man.
You... I want you
to call his mother.

You tell her
he's never coming home.
