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I sent her a love letter.
She corrected it.

Oh, great. Company.
- Those two ought to get a room.
- Really.

I was married twice.

My first wife, Jason's mother,
I really loved her.

We had a good thing going,
you know?

She passed away
about ten years ago.

After that, I screwed around
for a few years.

Then I really went nuts...
I married Vanessa.

I was just lonely, I guess.
Is that over now?
We were doomed from the start.
I'm an earth sign,
she's a water sign.

Together, we made mud.
I picked a beauty.
And she played around, too.

When she said, "I do,"
I should have said, "With who?"

So, are you
giving up on women?

I don't know.
I can't figure women out.

Today, they're independent.
They only think
about themselves.

During sex, Vanessa used
to scream out her own name.

I think it's the men
who are different.

Ever since
the women's movement...

most of the men I meet
go out of their way...

to show you
how sensitive they are.

Before they were too macho,
and now they're too soft.

You all want us to know
you can cry.

No, with women,
I never cry. Never.

I beg.
If we finish
this bottle of wine...

you won't have to beg.
Oh, Philip.
We were supposed
to go to dinner.

I just had dinner!
I don't believe this.
Maybe it's a dream.
Good night, Philip.

You do a good job.
What do you charge
for big cars?
