No problem.
They're takin' a break,
that's all.
In 1971, the United States
accumulated deficits...
greater than the supply
of gold the country held.
In that year, Richard Nixon...
took the United States
off the gold standard.
In doing so, he disrupted...
the entire international
monetary system.
What is that clicking noise?
Are you a student
in this class?
Who are you?
I'm Marge Sweetwater...
Mr. Thornton Melon's
private secretary.
What are you doing here?
I'm taking notes for Mr. Melon.
He told you to write down
everything I say?
Yes, he did.
Take this down.
Mr. Melon,
no matter what you do...
no matter what stunts
you pull...
no matter how hard you try...
you will never, ever
pass this course.
Make sure he gets that.
Yes, sir.
I'll tell you what.
It's for Barbay.
Make it an "A."
Where's the lab report
on psychology?
It's too light.
It feels like a "C."