
Cuts are straight, long, deep,
just like the others.

That brings the count to 1 6, and still
this bastard shows no distinct pattern.

Maybe there's more than one.
Look, this is not your specialty, okay?
This is pure investigative work. . .
. . .not jumping out a window.
-We need to beef up the task force.
-We need interagency cooperation.

Every department wants to be
the hero in this case!

I don't want to be a hero.
I just want to get involved.

If I may, captain. . .?
If we let Cobretti use his tactics,
we're asking for trouble.

What are you saying?
-He should stay on the zombie squad.
-You're telling me where to stay?

It's nothing personal.
We're just different kinds of cops.

Like Monte says, you're a specialist
who does a job nobody wants.

But we can't shake people down.
Internal Affairs will jump on us.

-Then we lost.

As long as we play by these bullshit
rules and the killer doesn't, we lose.

-What do you want to do?
-Nothing we can do, except wait.

For what?
For it to happen again.
