You are a murderer, Dr. Gunther.
Oh, I can't prove it.
Not yet anyway.
But during the five years
you were the chief resident...
at the National Hospital
in Buenos Aires...
sixty-seven people
admitted under your care...
with routine illnesses died.
And, as you know, Dr. Gunther...
one of those sixty-seven
was my brother.
Mr. Steiner...
I'm a doctor
for twenty-seven years.
I delivered babies,
I healed the wounded...
and I cured the sick
every day of my life.
some of my patients died.
One of them was your brother.
I'm sorry about that,
but I am only a doctor.
Do you recognize this man?
Ehrenfuhrer SS Officer
Karl Werner Reitlinger.
Principle designer of
the instruments of torture...
used in the Einsatzgruppen in
over 100 Concentration Camps...
executed in 1945...
by the international
military tribunal...
for crimes against humanity.
This is a picture
of your father, isn't it?
Mr. Steiner,
I'm going to ask you to leave.
- Dr. Gunther...
- Mr. Steiner...
I ask you to leave.