Excuse me for disturbing you,
Miss Bancroft.
My name is Josef Steiner.
I spoke with you earlier
on the phone.
Oh, right, right.
Come in.
Do you mind if I smoke?
I can't stand smokers.
They're a nasty hazard
to society.
Well, then, why do you smoke?
Compulsive personality type,
I suppose.
As I told you earlier
on the phone, Miss Bancroft...
I'm investigating your landlord
Dr. Karl Gunther...
and part of
that investigation...
involves getting
certain information...
from some of his tenants.
Yes, well,
I don't know if I can help you.
As you can see, I just
moved in here a few days ago.
You're Lori Bancroft,
age twenty-six...
born in Tucson, Arizona.
Journalism student
at Brown University.
Single. Both parents living
in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Your father is editor
of the Santa Fe Chronicle.
Your sister Kate died
when she was only four.
Just exactly who are you
investigating, Mr. Steiner?
I believe Dr. Karl Gunther
killed my brother.