At least you like me.
She's all set to go,
Mr. Brown.
Okay, Charlie.
See you in the morning.
This is a great meal,
Mrs. Brown.
Really, one of the best
I've ever had.
Thank you, Steve.
- Well, we should get going.
- What?
You promised you'd take me
for a ride, remember?
I did?
Hon, I kinda figured
you'd watch me bowl tonight.
We're defending
the championship, you know.
- Oh, we're...
- Maybe we'll come by later.
Don't suppose anybody would like
some dessert before they leave?
- No thanks, Mom.
- It was very good.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
- Helen?
Have you... you know,
talked to her
about the way
things are?
Years ago.