Sue, don't misunderstand me.
I'm not complaining about your work.
I have your latest piece here, it's great.
But you were due back yesterday.
But Richard, there's one more story
I just have to do.
- There's always one more story.
- But listen to this.
Last month this guy in the Northern
Territory was attacked by a crocodile.
It bit his leg right off, left him there
to die a hundred miles from nowhere.
A week later he crawls out of the bush,
gets patched up and disappears.
No interviews, no pictures, nothing.
I tracked him down.
He runs a safari business out
of somewhere called Walkabout Creek.
And his name... get this.
Michael J. Crocodile Dundee.
Even if this is for real,
it could take weeks to nail him down.
I've made arrangements to meet him,
I got a chopper meeting me,
I'll be there tonight.
Yeah... OK...
- I really miss you, darling.
- I miss you, too.
- Take care now.
- Don't worry, I'm a New Yorker!