Crocodile Dundee

Well, barramundi is a bloody big fish.
It'll be getting dark soon.
I'll take you
to where I camped the first night.

- You married?
- Was once... to the original rebel.

- What happened?
- You name it, we marched.

Anti-nuke, Women's Lib,
Save the Whales...

He's probably marching right now
for the gay Nazis.

- Sounds like a prize ratbag.
- He meant well.

Haven't you ever
protested anything?

Sure, every time
I get thrown out of the pub.

I'm serious. Where would you stand
on, say, the nuclear debate?

- What about the arms race?
- None of my business.

None of your business?
How can you say that?

It's everybody's business.
Got to have an opinion,
got to have a voice.

Who's gonna hear it out here?
OK, something closer to home.
The Aborigines, what about
their claims to get the land back?

Well, you see,
Aborigines don't own the land.

They belong to it.
It's like their mother.

See those rocks sticking up there.
Been standing there for 600 million years.

Still be there when you and I are gone.
So arguing over who owns them...
:20:57 like two fleas arguing over
who owns the dog they live on.
