Down and Out in Beverly Hills

What the hell?
Don't! Dave, you'll catch AIDS
or plague or herpes!

Oh, my God!
He live! He live!
Carmen, Carmen, Carmen!
Get me some blankets!
Get some brandy, quick!

Quick! Quick! All right,
all right, get him over
to the chaise lounge.

Come on! Come on,
get him over!

There we go. There we go.
Hold him steady.

There we go.
The dog killed somebody.
I told you.

Okay, okay. Here, ta...
drink this. Drink this.

Oh, Christ,
you got any Courvoisier?

He must be in shock.
Go on, drink.

How long was
he in the water?

Not very long.
I gave him CPR.

He saved him ...
muy macho.

Would you please
check my husband?

He had his lips
on this man's lips.

... Good work.
... Thank you.
You feeling any better?

What gives, amigo?
... "What gives"?
You almost drowned.
... I know that.

Nobody drowns
in my backyard.

Aw, Christ,
if I'd have known that,
I'd have gone somewhere else.

How did he get
in the yard? I didn't
hear the alarm.

... I don't know. Barbara!
... I'm going to call Lance,
Brad, the pool man.

I'm going to make him check
the water for bacteria.

Barbara, I knew that lifesaving
class would come in handy.

Didn't I? Huh? I knew it.
I knew it. Look at that.

He's just drunk
and disgusting.

What are you talking about?
He's a human being.
Where's your sense of charity?

A drunk, disgusting
human being, and don't
talk to me about charity.

I volunteer
three days a week
at the free clinic.

I am shocked at you, Barbara.
I am really, really shocked,
you know?

There but for the grace
of God go you or I.

Oh, no, dear, not me.
I would never sink so low.

I'd kill myself first.
... Look, I have aerobics
in 50 minutes.
... Go, go!

... I have brunch with Sheila
at Neiman-Marcus.
... Who's stopping you?

Go right ahead.
Are you sure
you're all right?

I'm fine.
You are a hero,
you know.

I'm just a scaredy-cat.
Listen, maybe the police
could take him to the rescue
mission or something.
