Are you really an actor?
"What a piece of work
is man!
"How noble in reason!
"How infinite in faculty!
"In form, in moving,
how express and admirable!
"In action
how like an angel!
"In apprehension
how like a god!
"The beauty of the world!
The paragon of animals!
"Yet to me...
what is this quintessence
of dust?"
I wish they all could be
I wish they all could be
I wish they all could be
California girls
I will never, ever
forgive you!
This disgusting derelict
is responsible.
Barbara, I spent
the night last night
with some poor, oppressed
human beings, okay?
And they live like animals,
but they have great capacity
for joy, Barbara.
I was panic-stricken.
You had no right to do it!
l-I ate garbage
last night, Barbara,
and I loved it.
Great! You can have garbage
for dinner tonight, too!
Barbara, Barbara, I learned
to beg last night.
A total stranger gave me
50 cents, put it right there
in my hand.
What do you think
of that, huh?
I think I'll take a shower
and grab some br eakf ast.
You are pushing me
to my limits, both of you.
Shower in the cabana.
You want to hit
the beach, amigo?
Walter, that's really
a difficult problem, incest,
but we'll try to
help you.
If you'll hang on, we'll give
you some numbers to refer to.
You'll get
some further help.
Okay, let's try to
take one more call
before the hour's up.
Uh, my name is Dawn,
and I live in Toluca Lake.