Down by Law

I heard you're lookin'
for someone to take care of you.

Now what you want is someone
who's gonna treat you like a lady.

I don't know if you've been on the streets
here or not, but they can be very serious.

These guys...
I mean, chances are you're
gonna find somebody
who's gonna get you strung out...

'cause he's strung out,
and then he's gonna own you.

Some guy's gonna cut you,
and hurt you.

With me, you're gonna be makin' money.
You're gonna have jewelry.

Whatever you want. Check it out.
I got the right connects.

My thing is organized.
You work with me,
I'm gonna take care of you.

Don't shoot me! Don't...
- Where you at, Jack?
- Mandino, what are you doin'?

Man, I'm here with my girlfriend.
This is ridiculous, man.
What are you tryin' to pull on me?

Jack, Jack.
You're a sick son of a bitch.

- Is that your girlfriend?
- Man, you know I'm not
into this kinda... Ow!

Get this son of a bitch out of here.
Get this pervert out of here!

Okay, Rich.
I'll take care of the kid.
It's okay, darlin'.
Everything's all right.
