Down by Law

You killed a man, huh?
What'd you do that for, Bob?
- The guy didn't like Walt Whitman?
I never asked this man
if he liked Walt Whitman.

Come on, Bob.
Why'd you kill a man?

I, uh... We-We was, uh,
playing-a card.

No? Table. I have no money,
but I am a cheater.

- Yeah?
- Very good.

But I don't know...
I don't know why they...

they notice after a while
l-l-l-I am a cheater.

- It's strange, really. I'm a good cheater.
They notice, and I run, run away,
and they run back me, yes.

In another room with the billiard,
pool... the pool, no?

There. And, uh, and, uh...
But I was very fast, very speedy.
And they for stop me,
take a ball... take ball... many ball.

Very "closed."
Ta! Ta! Ta!

And l... You...
You throw ball against me,

I throw ball against you, no?
I take one ball... a number eight.
Very good ball. Black ball.

Ta! Tum! Ta!
In the ground.
First stroke. Ha!

Dead. Very big man.
On the ground.
First stroke.

Is that true, Bob?
This is a true story?

- True story? Yeah, true story.
- Yeah.

True story.
Very true story.
