Oh, my God!
- Oh!
- Thank God!
- Dr, Faraday,
- Any signs of life?
Not outside, But we haven't been
able to determine what's inside,
Well, something must have flown it,
This could be our first contact,
She's beautiful,
Sir, this is the night watchman
who found it, Ellis Brayton,
Says he hasn't told anyone
except the local authorities,
so what we have here is a controlled
Watch your step, Mr, Brayton,
- Hi,
- Hi,
- I'm Lewis Faraday, NASA,
- Sure is a pretty piece of spacelab,
It was flying along, then it
just smacked right into the tower
and dragged it about 100 yards,
Then it stopped and it's floating here,
Say, I don't suppose you gentlemen
could tell me how you do that?
No, Mr, Brayton,
it's a matter of national security,
- Any idea how we're gonna move it?
- Are you kidding? Watch this,
- Uh, no,,,
- (ferocious barking)
(distorted voices)
Who are you? What's happening?
- Just rest, David,
- I don't wanna rest!
- Where's my mom and dad?
- We're right here, sweetheart,
What's happening, Mom? I'm scared!
Don't be scared, honey,
We won't let anybody hurt you,
What happened to you, Mom?
You too, Dad?
Why were those people in our house?
David, we don't know
all the answers to all this yet,