- David, what time did you enter the
woods? - Around 8:00,
Then you met your brother?
Yeah, The jerk jumped out
of a tree and scared me,
He's lucky he's still alive.
Then what happened?
Well,,, I chased him for a while,
Then I reached this cliff,
Jesus! He's transmitting in alpha waves
with complex frequency patterns in them,
- What's going on?
- I don't know,
I know I fell,
The alpha waves are coming in
at 12,78 cycles per second,
He's communicating directly
with the computer in binary code,
- How the hell is he doing that?
- I have no idea,
But then after you fell,
you went somewhere,
How did you get there?
(Mrs. Freeman) What is that?
- Is that coming from David?
- I believe it is,
(Mr. Freeman) Well, what is it?
How did I get out of the ravine?
I crawled out,
(man) Let's get the gas jets now,
CO2 sensors with the breakers,,,
Dr, Faraday, I think you
should take a look at this,
- Where did this come from?
- From the mind of 12-year-old boy,
David, what do you think?
No way! I'm not going,