- When did this happen?
- We don't know yet, We're trying to get,,,
- Can you tell what it is?
- No, I can't see a thing,
- Do you have radiation?
- Negative, We show a cold room,
All right,
Get the goddamn door open, Now!
We still have containment, I want security
doubled immediately, You got that?
Navigator, I detect alien life forms
- Aliens? Where?
- Observe,
Those aren't aliens,
They're human beings,
Uh-oh, I'm gonna get it for this,
- Holy shit, it's an alien,
- No, you idiot, It's the kid,
- David?
- Oh, great,
- They've got guns,
- Protective hover is advised,
- Will that shut the door?
- Affirmative,
OK, let's do that, But if anybody asks,
you're the one that did it, OK?
Now, just get out of the ship, son,
Request initial maneuvers,
I don't have any maneuvers,
I just wanna get out of here,
You wish to depart
hostile alien environment?