I feel excelerated.
We almost died...
Incredible creature.
It must have total bodily control
on a molecular level.
Yes, and Edward's mind.
He became the thing that ate him.
Crawford, we saw the same things.
We've proved you're not insane.
I'm not so sure...
You faced your fear
and you overcame it.
You saved our lives.
Yeah, I owe you one.
Want some breakfast?
How can you eat after that?
Can't work without eating...
What work?
I thought I'd record the results.
The pineal gland was stimulated.
It gave me one hell of a headache.
Expansion of the pineal.
I'll have to do a study
of CAT scans of scyzophrenics.
If there's a statistical correlation
between scyzophrenia
and an enlarged pineal...
They may be seeing or feeling
what we saw.
Their minds may be influenced
by those creatures.
How about the hard on I got?
Is there statistical
correlation for that too?
we know that the pineal gland helps
to regulate the sex drive.
Perhaps pineal stimulation causes...
an accompagnying sexual stimulation.
There's so much to learn...
Well, we learned
what we came for.
He ain't crazy
and that... it
ate Pretorious' head.
They're gonna think we're crazy,
but that's their problem.