Maybe to make my nephews happy,
they insisted, my friends...
and then there's this television myth
calling us all!
Anyway, I'm here.
I've always loved risking. I'm not
the kind who retreats.
Pippo says the real artist
is like the wolf:
when he feels the call of the wild...
Do you want to kill me?
In Rome you can't survive!
Already arrived?
No, we're waiting for
the heroic admiral.
An admiral?
Why? what did he do?
What did he do?
Admiral Athos Aulenti.
He got a gold medal.
At the risk of his own life
he went down to the engine room,
abandoned by sailors
while fire was spreading.
he saved the ship and the whole crew
from the explosion
that would have caused ruins and victims
to the city of Taranto,
the ship was in the harbour there.
Should be flowers
it's a nice gift, thank you.
I will gladly accept them.
- are you from the tv station?
- Yes.
Do you need a Santa Claus?
No, we don't.
It's us, sit down.
Good morning.
Good morning,
Good morning to everyone.
Good morning to you.
Are you comfortable here?
No, I guess?
Mister admiral, are you feeling cold?
do you want a blanket?
No, thanks.
I really don't need anything.