arranged just for us by Maestro Fortini.
One moment, look.
You'll have to repeat this segment two
or three times.
I must have the time to go out and change my clothes.
I'll show you.
Hesitation... one, two, three...
- Corner, to the corner, please.
- What's up?
One, two, three, four... and I go.
I come back and... together...
- Do you remember?
- No.
How come!
I knew it! You've always done
this thing wrong!
I don't mean the steps...
but the expression of your face.
You smile, but it should be the opposite!
I explained a thousand times!
It's more faded.
Here the melody ends,
like in a dream. Understood?
Who asked you to do this speeching?
The maestro only wanted to know...
Maestro, aren't we rehearsing anymore?
- I guess you'll remember the steps?
- A few years have passed!
We need rehearsing!
They are really mindless!
Do you have cramps already?
You didn't even get up!
- Did they give you the money?
- Money?
Pippo Botticella! Amelia Bonetti!
- Are you Fred ?
- Ginger!
- I'm here.
- Let's go, the bus is waiting.