I signed for 800,000 lire.
You may not need it,
but I don't have your income.
- Which income, Pippo!
- Look!
A delight! Compliments!
You're like the sun...
There's enough for everyone!
- Hey, She's my bride!
- Compliments.
"big breasted woman... cock feeding-bottle!"
It doens't satisfy me, it could be better.
Listen, Will you milk it?
- I mean, the cow.
- Stop it!
They're calling us, the bus.
Do you still have your dancing school?
- I sold it to that man from Saragoza.
- And then, what did you do?
Some theatre,
and quite succesfully too.
- Now?
- I'm selling encyclopedias door to door.
We only have two minutes! There's no time
to milk it during the show!
I can't see a single good decoration...
Pippo, leave him alone!
- I was being serious!
- Are you always like this?
I wanted to ask you why you came alone.
Why didn't your wife come with you?
She didn't.
Isn't it better?
So you really didn't recognize me
yesterday evening?
You're always a little girl!
All these years passed too soon.
Not for me. I got married,
I became a widow...
I'll stay near the window.
- Tears of joy.
- Are they?
Something happened
something that can't be understood.