He came earlier than us!
Look, so many!
Sergeant, this way we'll get scared!
During the show you won't have handcuffs,
you'll better behave well.
- Hello.
- I even prepared a short song!
Only tanks are missing!
- What does he want?
- Who is he?
I'm a fool,
I didn't bring telephoto lens!
I know that one, I've seen pictures
on the magazines, it's that man...
He's Catanzaro, a member of the Camorra,
a mafioso.
a racketeer!
he's in house arrest,
sentenced to 30 years.
and he's going to be on tv?
In his own way, he's interesting!
We had a special authorisation
from the Ministry of Justice.
He'll be in our show.
Could you tell us who's that
man with handcuffs?
Have you seen?
We made a bet.
- He doesn't want to tell us.
- We don't care!
Give me your hand.
At least, this one is light!
Mrs. Ginger, I've seen you here, and also there
The pass!
May I have a picture together
with the Carabinieri?
Leave your bags here
and pass this way.
We're all "recorded" now !
Go, go, very "intelligent".
What are you saying? Who are you talking about?
The "muchacho"...
Follow me, We'll pass this way.
- Lardiani told me...
- Miss, your bag here.