- What will you say at the show?
- The truth.
- That everything is fake.
- Sure!
- This one is disagreeable!
- He already signed the contract!
Did he really get arrested,
or he's an actor?
- What do you do when you're in love?
- Like this.
me too I'd like to have an autographed
copy of the book, where is it?
Dear listeners, I'm speaking
from CSD studios' bar,
to disclose something about
today's "We are proud to present" show.
We'll have engineer Bitossi,
he set a new kidnapping record
the lasting of his kidnapping
and the amount of money paid.
11 billions
and they cut his little finger
mailed to his beautiful wife.
Then we'll have Mrs Parenti
she left husband and sons
becasue she fell in love with an alien.
Please tell us at least from which planet.
I can tell it
he's from Sirio.
From Sirio?
Where do you meet him? You said
you meet him every week!
I'm sorry but this is
just my business!
What's the difference between him
and human beings?
- Do you understand...
- This is fundamental!
- Do we have to wait here?
- Yes, there's the self service here.
- I'm not hungry.
- Steak, salad and mineral water.
- Amilcare, did you order bucatini?
- They don't have!
They don't?
Amelia, I'm here!
a cappuccino with no froth.
I understood!
- Are you the one with the dog?
- Which dog?
The one that started whining
when the pope died.
- I'm not!
- You don't want to tell it to me, uh?