It may happen. It's called levitation
and it's rare in western countries.
- Did you actually see him?
- No.
- Here she is!
- Bravo! That one, give it to me.
Dear viewers,
Merry Christmas.
Today's "We are proud to present" show
will be aired in three hours
and it will not just have
extraordinary people.
We will have the orchestra...
That one got on very quickly,
she's a friend of the general manager!
this band is composed by the
seven oldest italian horns.
Here they are, entering in our studio.
A total of 620 years!
We might call it the hundred-year-old band!
Immediately after them
we'll have...
the ex don... I don't know if I
can call him an "ex don" (ex priest).
I'm not an ex don, I'm still a don!
What is she saying?
...that threw away his priest clothes
to make his love dream come true.
Then we will interview the man who's
most loved by beautiful women
who want to become
even more beautiful.
famous professor
Carl Rudolph Nordt.
great aestethical surgeon.
- What does he say?
- My german...
The operation lasted 8 hours
and I did once each 4 months.
But watch how much I changed!
It was worth!
I'll take off my bandage during the show
and when you will know my age
you'll say it's a miracle!
and it's thanks to this man!