Gung Ho

...hunt stevenson, right here...
ok. Hey, where do I put the screen?
I got a screen here.

Whoa! Let me just
set this down over here.

Don't really need it,
after I lugged it about 14,000 miles.

Don't worry about it.
I am crazy for your country.
I mean, I love it.

My dad was here with the army,
I guess it was 1940...

did you decorate this place yourselves?
'Cause it's damn nice.

It's... real oriental kind of a feel to it.
- Do you speak english? I' m just curious.
- We all speak english. Continue, please.

We may as well get started,
I know you guys have...

...a long day of... staring ahead of you.
Where are the lights?
Jesus. Ok, here we go.
This is hadleyville.
There's the factory.
It's been there 35 years.

It's been closed down
the past nine months,

but two years ago, it was completely
retooled. I tell you, it is in great shape.

Whoa, how did that get in there?
Yikes! Whoops!

That's hazel lockwash.
Hazel's unit was responsible
for putting out over...

...a hundred thousand
car engines in one year.

And I think the key word
here is "put out".

Putting out. Ok.
This is... that's...
