You didn't touch your quail.
l don't eat dead animals.
Do you eat them alive,
Dr. Slaughter?
Im a vegetarian.
I guessed as much.
I don't smoke, either.
What do you do, Mr. Van Arkady?
Oh, Im one of these
boring bankers.
Anglo-Arab Investment Trust.
All those boring petrodollars.
What do you do?
Obviously, you're not a banker.
Right now, Im lobbying
like hell...
to get on a field trip
to Kuwait--
care of the Middle
Eastern Institute.
That's where I work.
Im impressed.
Don't be. We're only
paid $150 a week.
-That's not much.
If there's anything I can do--
that's what bankers are for.
China? Now,
that really scares me.
Nine hundred million people
breeding like rabbits.
You're wrong, Lady Newhouse.
What do you mean, Im wrong?
There are over a billion now.
That's official.
You're both wrong.
There are only
2 people in China...
and I know both of them.
2 people in China? I love it.
OK. If there are
2 people in China...
how many are there in the world?
There are 5,000 people
in the world.
That's it--5,000.
And I suppose, Mr. Van Arkady,
that you've met them all.
Five thousand?
That's all that counts?
What about
the starving millions?
A million isn't a number
in any real sense.
There's murder in nature.
Millions are dying right now--
starved, bombed, in camps.
Nobody gives a damn.
You may deplore it,
but it's a fact.
Those 5,000--who are they?
How many of them are...British?
None, and more Arabs
than you might think...
but they're all here in London.
I suppose the rest are American.
And naturally, Mr. Van Arkady,
you're one of the 5,000.