She looks so sexy in that sweater.
I just want to be alone with her
and hold her and kiss her
and tell her how much l love her
and take care of her.
Stop it, you idiot! She's your wife's sister.
l can't help it. l'm consumed by her.
lt's been months now.
l dream about her,
l think about her at the office.
Oh, Lee. What am l gonna do?
l hear myselfmooning over you,
and it's disgusting.
Before, when she squeezed
past me in the doorway
and l smelt that perfume
on the back of her neck...
Jesus, l thought l was gonna swoon.
Easy. You're a dignified financial advisor.
lt doesn't look good for you to swoon.
- Elliot? Sweetheart?
- Mm?
Have you tried these? They're wonderful.
Holly and her friend made them.
Fantastic. Your sister
is an unbelievable cook.
l know, l know.
She has all the cooking talent.
- No, you've got tons as well.
- l've eaten five of these.
- Holly, why don't you open a restaurant?
- Mm, we practically are.
Well... not a restaurant, but...
April and l are gonna do some catering.
- What? You're kidding.
- No, we decided.
We like to cook for friends, so...
until an acting job comes through,
we could make money
doing private parties.
- Great idea. That's where your talent lies.
- l know.
Get outta here.
Could l speak to you privately?
l'm her husband. She tells me anything.
Hannah, l need more money.
Don't get upset.
- l never get upset over that.
- This is the last time.
- l'm keeping strict accounts.
- Please, don't insult me.
- Someday l'll pay it back.
- l know. How much do you need?
- $2,000.
- Uh-huh?
l know it's a lot, but April and l have
this catering idea. lt's gonna be great.
You admit we're great cooks.
ln order to get started, there are a few
things to buy and some old debts to pay.
Just tell me one thing.
Are we talking cocaine again?