l love that. That's my type. No, really!
No, we mustn't get discouraged.
Hannah will invite some men over
who don't look like lchabod Crane.
Maybe at Christmas, or if not Christmas,
New Year's, or maybe next New Year's.
- lt must be here someplace.
- (Lee) Oh, you know?
l love that book you lent me,
The Easter Parade.
You were right.
lt had very special meaning for me.
How's Frederick? He didn't come.
You know. One of his moods.
But it wasn't a bad week.
- He sold a picture.
- Oh, great.
Yeah, it was one of his better drawings,
a very beautiful nude study.
Actually, it was of me.
lt's a funny feeling to know you're being
hung naked in a stranger's living room.
But you can't tell it's me, although...
You're turning all red, Elliot.
Oh, really?
- So... what else? What are you up to?
- l don't know.
My unemployment cheques
are running out.
l may do a course at Columbia
with the last of my savings.
- Like...?
- l don't know, exactly.
Sociology, psychology, maybe...
l always thought
l might work with children.
lncidentally, l always have
clients furnishing places.
Someone might be interested
in buying art. Shall l call you?
Yeah, sure. Frederick would
really be grateful for a sale.
(Hannah) Hey, guys! Dinner's ready!
You look so beautiful. Doesn't she?
l bumped into your ex-husband on
the street the other day. He's still crazy.
- He was on his way to get a blood test.
- Mickey's such a hypochondriac.
l wonder how he'd handle if there was
ever anything really wrong with him.
- (glass being tapped)
- Now, ladies and gentlemen...
- Dad...
- (glass rings)
- Dad...
- No, now this is a toast...
This is a toast. This is a toast.
You know, this beautiful Thanksgiving
dinner was all prepared by Hannah.
l had a little help from Mavis.
Also, Holly and April...
No, no. You did it. She did it.
And we drink to her,