Hannah and Her Sisters

ls it my imagination
or does Elliot have a little crush on me?

lt's funny. l've had that thought before.
He pays a lot of attention
to me all the time.

And he blushed tonight
when we were alone in the bedroom.

l wonder ifhe and Hannah are happy.
lt's funny. l still feel
a little buzz from his flirting.

- You want some coffee or tea?
- (man) No, thank you.

- How about something to eat?
- No, nothing.

- Are you sure?
- Absolutely.

What am l gonna do with you? God!
Why didn't you come tonight? We all had
a terrific time. You would have enjoyed it.

l'm going through a period of my life
where l just can't be around people.

- l didn't want to abuse anyone.
- You wouldn't. They're all so sweet.

Lee, you are the only person
l can be with,

who l really look forward to being with.
You're too harsh with everyone.
You know that, don't you?

- lsn't it enough that l can love you?
- You're such a puzzle!

So sweet with me, and so
contemptuous of everyone else.

There was a time when you were
very happy to be only with me.

You wanted to learn everything
about poetry, about music.

Have l really taught you everything
l have to give? l don't think so.

Elliot said he might have
a couple of clients for you.

l'm sure those morons he handles
have a deep feeling for art.

You never know, they might.
He was just trying to do the nice thing.

- Because he likes you.
- Me?

Yeah. Elliot lusts after you.
Based on what? You never even see him.
When you see him, you come home
full of books he's recommended,
