Brother, what am l gonna do with my life?
Speaking of that, l gotta remember
to see my ex-wife tomorrow.
- Hi.
- l know.
- Glad you could put in an appearance.
- l got two minutes. The show is killin' me.
l got a million appointments today.
lt just fell this way.
- l gotta see new comedians...
- Just two minutes on your sons' birthday.
- lt's not gonna kill you.
- Happy birthday, fellas!
(Hannah) Daddy brought presents!
Hey, a little hug? What is this?
How about a little action from the kids?
- How is everything?
- Everything's fine.
OK, you can open the presents now.
l wanna get a little reaction.
- How's Elliot?
- He's fine.
l'm trying to convince him to produce
a play. l think he'll find that satisfying.
l like him. l think he's a sweet guy,
the few times that l've met him.
Cos he's a loser. He's awkward
and he's clumsy, like me.
- l like an underconfident person.
- This is really nice.
- He's been wanting a mitt.
- You have good taste in husbands.
Thanks. That's a beauty!
lsn't that great? Come on, let's go!
Go out by the Sung vase and catch this.
- Watch the...
- (crash)
Hannah's sweet, although sometimes
l still do get angry when l think of things.
What the hell.
At least l'm not paying child support.
God, l hope there's nothing
physically wrong with me.
- So what's the problem this time?
- l really think l have something.
l'm absolutely convinced.
Not like that adenoidal thing,
where l didn't realise l'd had them out.
But l was younger.
l saw your father this week about his
sinus and he complained of chest pains.
Well, this guy's the real hypochondriac
of the family. He's, you know...
- You said you'd had some dizziness.
- Yes, a little.
And l think l'm developing
a hearing loss in my right ear.
Or my left ear. No, l'm sorry...
My right or my left ear. l can't remember.
OK, let's take a look.