- Not yet, no.
- Let's hope it's good.
Yeah, really, really.
We'll be down in a minute, OK?
- (phone ringing)
- Mickey, what's the matter with you?
l feel dizzy, you know? l don't feel well.
Do you hear a ringing?
ls there a ringing sound?
Yeah, yeah. l hear it, l hear it.
- No, not that.
- Hello?
Yeah, we're gonna be
working late tonight.
No, we'll order out.
lf l have a brain tumour,
what am l gonna do?
You don't have a brain tumour.
He didn't say you had one.
No, they're not gonna tell you because
sometimes the weaker ones will panic.
But not you?
- Can you hear buzzing?
- Come on, we got a show to do.
- l can't keep my mind on the show.
- There's nothing wrong with you.
lf there isn't, why does he
want me to come back for tests?
- He has to rule out certain things.
- Like what?
- l don't know. Cancer.
- Don't say that. l don't wanna hear that.
- Don't mention it while l'm in the building.
- You don't have any symptoms.
l got the classic symptoms
of a brain tumour.
Two months ago you thought
you had a malignant melanoma.
Naturally. The sudden appearance
of a black spot on my back.
- lt was on your shirt.
- Was l to know? Everyone was pointing.
- We've got to make booking decisions.
- l can't think of it.
This morning l was so happy.
Now l don't know what went wrong.
You were miserable this morning.
We got bad reviews, terrible ratings,
the sponsors are furious...
No, l was happy, but l just
didn't realise l was happy.
(woman) These are delicious!
What are they?
- Those are quail eggs. Aren't they good?
- They're very good.
My friend April makes those.
Try a shrimp puff.
- Oh, thank you. That looks good.
- l make those.
Excuse me.
Oh, thank you.
- The stroganoff is ready.
- We're a big hit!
ln this we are. Yesterday l auditioned for
Come Back Little Sheba. Not such a hit.
You will be. You'll get five jobs next week.