Hannah and Her Sisters

- Yeah.
- Well, let's do it.

(Holly) lt's just so romantic.
l just wanna put on a long gown

and open the French doors
and go on the balcony.

(David) lt's romantic. And it's got a
handsome partner sitting right beside it.

They fit right in together. And your eye
goes along, lulled into complacency,

- and then... look at this.
- (April) That's disgusting. A monstrosity.

(Holly) lt's really terrible,
and it ruins everything else.

- (David) lt does.
- (April) We have seen a lot of stuff today.

- Maybe we should start going home.
- Oh, jeez, yeah.

- Who gets dropped first?
- Oh, gee, l don't know.

- Well, l live downtown.
- Yeah, we both live downtown.

- lt depends on what way you wanna go.
- l know. lf we took Fifth,

- then we'd get to your house first.
- We could do that.

- Yeah, but Fifth is so jammed, isn't it?
- Well, sometimes.

- You live in Chelsea, don't you?
- Yeah.

Well, l guess if you live in Chelsea,
that's probably first.

- Oh. OK.
- And then April.

Naturally, l get taken home first.
Obviously he prefers April.
