Gosh, listen. l've gotta tell you the truth.
l'm a little uneasy about this.
- l know it's a lot to ask.
- Well, l feel for you, l do. l...
l'm gonna cry. You want
my husband to have a child with you?
Don't answer now. Just take it home
and think about it for a while.
l gave blood before...
and clothing to the poor.
OK, Norman, listen.
l really wanna talk about this at home.
l think it's a matter for
your analyst, and mine.
And maybe my lawyer.
We understand completely
if you feel you'd rather not.
l didn't mean to spoil the evening.
Let's move on to another topic.
So you had my ex-partner's baby. Twins.
And maybe that did cause some trouble,
but l think we were drifting apart anyhow.
Now, instead of man and wife,
we'rejust good friends.
Boy, love is really unpredictable.
( aria from ''Manon Lescaut'')
Lee? Frederick? Say hello to Dusty Frye.
- Hi, Dusty.
- Hi.
Dusty's just bought a huge house in
Southampton and he's decorating it.