- How's everything?
- Oh, you know.
l talked to Hannah this morning.
She said you were going to
the country this weekend.
Yes, she loves to go out in the woods.
But l go nuts. lt's a conflict.
- l have to get my teeth cleaned this week.
- Oh, that's nice.
l figured l'd get
Frederick and Dusty together.
- Yeah, that's really nice of you.
- This kid, he's earned a trillion dollars.
- He's got six gold records.
- Oh, speaking of records,
l bought that Mozart trio
you recommended.
The man in the shop showed me
another one you'd love.
lt's another Bach, second movement.
You have that one? l'd love to hear it.
Oh, and Holly met a wonderful man
who loves opera, an architect.
Well, that's nice.
l'd love to see her wind up settled.
She's a tense one.
lsn't that beautiful?
l know this.
Bach, F Minor Concerto.
lt's one of my favourites.
Did you ever get around to ee cummings?
Yes, he's just adorable.
They have a very large gay clientele
where l get my teeth cleaned.
All the hygienists now wear gloves
because they're afraid of AlDS.
Oh, right.
Did you ever get around
to the poem on page 1 1 2?
Yes, it made me cry,
it was so beautiful, so romantic.
(Elliot) l want so badly to kiss her.
Not here, you idiot.
You've got to get her alone someplace.
But l've got to proceed cautiously.
This is a very delicate situation.