What a weirdo that guy is. Paranoid...
- What's the matter with you?
- l'll be OK.
- lt's no big deal. We just didn't hit it off.
- No, you go on ahead.
- Are you OK? You're sweating.
- Yeah, l just need some fresh air.
lt's probably something l ate.
l'll walk, you go ahead. Go on.
- (phone rings)
- Hello.
Oh, there you are! l was looking for you.
l must apologise.
l'm sorry. l'm so mixed up!
How do you expect me to react?
l know, but l am in love with you.
- Oh, don't say those words!
- l'm sorry. l know, it's terrible.
- You know the situation.
- l know. l realise.
- What do you expect me to say?
- Hannah and l are in the last stages.
She's never said so, and
we're very close. She'd tell me.
lt's so sad. She's crazy about me,
but somewhere along the line,
l've fallen out of love with her.
- Not because of me, l hope?
- Oh, no, no... Well, yes! l love you.
- l can't be the cause of anything...
- No, it was inevitable that we part.
- Why?
- For a million reasons.
- But not over me?
- No, we're going in different directions.
- Poor Hannah.
- But how about you?
Do you share any of my feelings, or
is this an unpleasant embarrassment?
- l can't say anything.
- Be candid. l don't want you to feel bad.
Yes, l have certain feelings for you,
but don't make me say anything more.
OK, OK, you've said enough. lt's my
responsibility now. l'll work things out.
Don't do anything for me. l live with
Frederick, and Hannah and l are close.