- Yes, but you do care about me?
- Elliot, please, l can't be a party to this.
l'm suddenly wracked with guilt
just talking to you.
Your guilt is because you feel the same.
Oh, please, l have to go.
l have to get my teeth cleaned.
l have my answer. l have my answer.
l'm walking on air!
- God, am l glad to see you!
- Hi. How's she doing?
She's in the kitchen there.
lt's the same thing.
She promises, promises.
And it's all lies, always.
Don't make it worse, Dad.
Hi, Mom. How are you doing?
l'll get you some coffee.
That's enough of that. What triggered it?
We were making a commercial
at the mayor's office.
There was this young salesman
and your mother was throwing
herself at him in a disgusting way.
Then she found she was too old to seduce
him, that he was just embarrassed by her.
Liar! Liar!
At lunch, she got drunker and drunker,
and finally she became Joan Collins.
All my life l've had to put up
with insults from this non-person!
This haircut that passes for a man!
He could never support us. lt's
a good thing we had a talented daughter.
l can only hope that she was mine!
With you as her mother, her father
could be anybody in Actors' Equity!
She's talented,
so it's unlikely she's yours.
Dad, could you stay in the other room
and let me take care of her?
You never know when she's gonna fall off
the wagon and humiliate everybody.
Here, Mom. Drink this.
You know, you're awful.
You probably were flirting.
No! l like to joke around and have fun
and he gets angry
because l get the attention.