And Freud, another great pessimist.
l was in analysis for years.
Nothing happened.
My poor analyst got so frustrated,
the guy finally put in a salad bar.
Look at all these peoplejogging,
trying to stave off
the inevitable decay of the body.
Boy, it's so sad what people go through
with their stationary bike
and their exercise.
Look at this one. Poor thing.
She has to tote all that fat around.
She should pull it on a dolly.
Maybe the poets are right.
Maybe love is the only answer.
l was in love with Hannah,
but it didn't work out too well.
l even took her sister out.
Remember that, years ago?
When Hannah and l got divorced and
she fixed me up with her sister Holly?
( rock guitar)
l wanna be like you,
said l'm gonna fit into your group
l don't wanna be different,
said l'm gonna be just like you
Because l'm gonna buy the records
that they play on the radio
l'm gonna dance at clubs,
gonna do just what l'm told
And l'm bleedin', you know...
- Why are you makin' those faces?
- l can't hear you. l can't hear anything.
- l'm gonna lose hearing in my ear.
- Listen, you're witnessing genius.
My ears are experiencing a meltdown.
l can't hear anything.
Can't you feel the energy,
the tangible energy?
The room's alive with positive vibrations.
l'm frightened. After they sing,
they're gonna take hostages.
Don't, no, please.
- You want some? Come on!
- No, you've been doing that all night.
You're gonna burn a hole...
You're gonna develop a third nostril.
- Don't, please. Can we go?
- No!
Because l'm gonna buy the records
that they play on the radio...