- Hi.
- Hi. Where's Holly?
She's auditioning for a TV commercial.
She said she'd be late.
- How's she doing?
- When she's depressed, she's manic.
l think it was a good idea
to invite her to lunch.
l hope you say it was your idea. Every
time l try to help, she gets so defensive.
She's just embarrassed
in front of you, that's all.
- So how are you?
- Me? l'm OK.
- Do you miss Frederick?
- No.
Elliot and l can't think of anyone
for you to go out with...
How are you? Are you doing OK?
How's Frederick? l mean, Elliot?
l guess he's fine. l don't know. He's been
kinda moody lately, the last few months.
l don't know what's wrong.
He's distant and difficult.
When l try to talk to him,
he says everything's fine.
l just leap to the worst conclusion,
that he's seeing someone else or...
Oh, no. Everyone thinks things like that.
Well, l just came from an audition
which l did not get. So what's new?
- They said l was too offbeat-looking.
- What the hell do they know?
- And guess who's there, auditioning.
- April?
- Oh, gosh.
- You got it. l was very polite.