Hannah and Her Sisters

A conversation we once had
about adoption?

Lee mentioned that to me,
so obviously you discussed it with her.

l took the essence and
l blew it up into drama.

How could Lee know about these things?
l don't tell her everything.

Wow. l guess l hit a nerve.
You make it sound like l have no needs.
You think l'm too self-sufficient?

Hannah, that's not what l meant.
You know?

Everybody relies on you
for so much. You're so giving!

lt's no criticism.
We love you, we're grateful.

You're grateful but you resent me.
Wow. l don't wanna have this
conversation. l didn't do anything wrong.

You told me yourself
you and Elliot were having problems.

We were, but they're my business.
l don't see how you could
know it in such detail!

How does Lee know about these things?
How? They're private!

- Why don't you share them with us?
- l don't want to bother everyone.

That's the point. l'd like to be bothered.
How could you know about these things?
Has Elliot been talking to you?

No, he hasn't. lf l offended you, l'm sorry.
lt's over, Elliot.
l don't know how to be any clearer.

- l know l deserve it...
- l'm just as much at fault.

- l have such feelings for you...
- l've got to be honest with you.

l've met someone else.
- What do you mean?
- l've met someone else.

- l told you l wouldn't wait for ever.
- lt hasn't been for ever.

lt's been nearly a year and
you're still married to my sister,

which l now realise is fine. You're much
more in love with her than you know.

- But we made so many plans.
- And in a way you led me on.

l truly believed you were
unhappy with Hannah.

Otherwise l would
never have been drawn in.

l was very weak. So were you.
Now l've met someone...

- Dinner soon?
- About 1 5 minutes.

- But you're in love overnight.
- l care a great deal about him, yes.

- Lee...
- lt's over. Elliot, l mean it. lt's over.

Sweetheart, l loved your script.
l thought it was so clever.
