You're my mother.
Not everybody's gonna be such a sucker.
l particularly liked
the character of the mother,
just a boozy old flirt with a filthy mouth.
- l'm so proud!
- Oh, Mom, thanks.
Here's a toast to Thanksgiving, all right?
Are we supposed to have beer?
Yes, let me hear it!
How's that, Fletcher?
Doll, to Thanksgiving. Here's a little
toast, doll. Come on, bottoms up!
Have you been talking to Holly or Lee
about us, about our personal life?
(Elliot) Me? Of course not.
Holly wrote things about us that are so
personal, they must have come from you.
l've got a headache and
l don't like being accused!
l'm not accusing, l'm asking. Do you
find me too giving, too competent?
- Too disgustingly perfect or something?
- No.
What is it? What's come between us?
How have l alienated you?
- Hannah, my head is throbbing.
- You never wanna talk about it.
Every time l bring it up,
you change the subject. What is it?
We're communicating less,
you sleep with me less...
Hannah, l am very mixed up! Now, please!
Do you talk to Holly or Lee
behind my back? Do you?
You must. They seem to
know so much about us.
Maybe l've asked advice
once or twice, or made a joke.
Do you talk to Holly, or Lee,
or what? Do you phone them?
Leave me alone, can you?!
Jesus, l've told you.
l need someone l can matter to!
You matter to me, completely.
lt's hard to be around someone who gives
so much and needs so little in return.
l have enormous needs.
Well, l can't see them,
and neither can Lee or Holly!