- We didn't hit it off.
- We did all but exchange gunshots.
- How are you?
- Good. You look wonderful.
- Oh, no.
- Yeah? No, you do.
lt was a terrible evening. Remember
slamming the cab door in my face?
You came dangerously close
to emasculating my nose
- in a really horrible way.
- That was a long time ago.
- People change.
- l hope you've changed.
- l hope you have too.
- l hope so, for your sake.
Your personality left something
to be desired, namely a personality.
So how are you? What are you doin'?
Oh, nothing much. Just some stuff.
Little of this, little of that.
Was that an embarrassing question?
Are you out of work or something?
- No, well, l've been trying to write.
- Have you? That's interesting.
- What kind of stuff?
- Oh...
- You're not interested in this.
- No, you can tell me. l am.
Millions must say to you
''l've written something.''
- Nobody ever said it. This is it.
- Really?
- Would you be willing to read something?
- Yes, if it would mean anything to you.
l don't know why it would.
You've always hated my taste in the past.
- No, l haven't!
- You have.
l think it might make a great television
script, and you're so active in television.
Not any more.
l haven't been in television for a year.
No, l may have to get back into it cos my
accountant says l'm running out of cash.
But no, l sort of dropped out for a year,
which is a long, dull story.
- You're OK, though?
- Yes, l'm fine. How are you?
- l'm fine.
- What about your script?
l'd love it if you'd read it
cos l really would value your opinion.
But you have to remember while you're
reading and you're cursing my name
that this is my first script.
Well, it's not my first.
That was about Hannah and
her husband, but Hannah read it.
She got really angry and l felt badly.
- l can't imagine what you wrote.
- lt wasn't anything bad, but l don't know...
So l threw it out, but l have this other one.