lt's beautiful.
- Don't be nervous. lt's your husband.
- Hi.
- Hi. How are you doing?
- OK.
- When did you get here?
- Just a few minutes ago.
- You look so beautiful.
- Thanks.
l was talking to your father before.
l was telling him that it's ironic.
l used to always have
Thanksgiving with Hannah.
l never thought that
l could love anybody else.
And here it is, years later, and l'm married
to you, and completely in love with you.
The heart is a very,
very resilient little muscle.
lt would make a great story, l think. A guy
marries one sister and it doesn't work out.
Then, years later,
he winds up married to the other sister.
l don't know how you're gonna top that.
- Mickey?
- What?
l'm pregnant.