Heartbreak Ridge

I'm taking into account
your excellent military record...

...and your commitment
to the security of this great nation...

...but this is your last chance.
$100 fine. Next.
Your nightstick file for divorce, Reese?
Who do you think you are,
pissing on my squad car?

You think you can break our rules
and just walk away?

We're supposed to wet our pants over
your goddamned colored ribbons?

Read that file of yours sometime, hero.
Check the dates.
It's ancient fucking history.

One night you're going to be
puking blood in some alley...

...and you'll see me standing there.
Then we'll see.

Keep dreaming, shitball.
You'll pay full price.
I don't give any serviceman's discount.

Too bad. Your old lady does.
Just about cleaned you out.
Sure makes you feel good, doesn't it?
Helping Uncle Sam battle dirty drawers?

Just pump the neighbor's dog, Jake?
Or are you always that slack-eyed and silly?

Looks like you need a lift, Highway.
Suck on one of these, smooth as a prom
queen's thighs only not quite so risky.

Havana cured.
Got a pal over in Guantanamo in Supply.

We do each other favors.
I've got lots of friends. Of course,
I could always use another friend.

- So we can do each other favors?
- Yes, sure.

If your pencil wasn't quite so sharp, and
your eyesight not so clear around here...

...I could make your military life a lot
comfier and more rewarding.

Sergeant, you get that contraband stogie
out of my face...

...before I shove it so far up your ass, you'll
have to set fire to your nose to light it.
