Surrender is not in our creed!
Strip off those t-shirts.
- What?
- What is he talking about?
You'll all wear the same t-shirts,
or none at all.
What's your name, Marine?
Lance Corporal Fragetti, Gunney.
You shouldn't litter, Fag-eddy.
It's ecologically unsound.
- What's your name?
- Aponte.
- Yours?
- Profile.
- Yours?
- Quinones.
- Yours?
- Collins!
All right, Colitis.
Prophylactics. Ajax.
You boys are handsome.
You look like models.
In fact, I want your hair high and tight
tomorrow morning.
That's everybody.
When you start looking like Marines,
you'll start feeling like Marines.
Then, goddamn it,
you'll start acting like Marines.
Right face! Forward march!
When the Swede gets out of the brig,
this sucker is dead meat!
- You got that right.
- Right.
"Mama, Mama, can't you see?
"What the Marine Corps has done to me?
"What the Marine Corps has done to me?