Where Were you?
It's so hot in here.
Please be seated.
Dearly beloved...
Richard, on the other side,
tWo roWs back, next to the hat.
- Where?
- Don't look in an obvious Way, OK?
A friend of Karen and Tom Will noW
read from the Letter to the Corinthians.
That's Mark Forman.
He Writes a column in Washington.
Is he single?
He's famous for it.
Very single.
"Love is long-suffering and kind.
"Love does not envy. Love does not
make a vain display of itself
"and does not boast.
Does not behave itself unseemly.
"Bears all things, believes all things,
"hopes all things, endures all things.
"Love never fails.
"And noW abide faith, hope, love.
"These three,
but the greatest of these...
"...is love."