
and their commitment
to a life together.

Do you, Mark, have this Woman
to be your Wife,

to love her, honor her,
cherish her in joy and in sorroW
for as long as you both shall live?

I do.
Do you, Rachel, have this man
to be your husband,

to love him, honor him,
cherish him in joy and in sorroW

for as long as you both shall live?
I do.
I, Mark Louis Forman, take you,
Rachel Louise Samstat,
to be my Wife,

to have and to hold,
to love and to cherish
from this day forward,

until death part... Part us.
With this ring, I Wed thee.
I, Rachel Louise Samstat,
take you, Mark Louis Forman,
to be my husband,

to love and to cherish,
to have and to hold,
from this day forward,

until death shall part us.
With this ring, I thee Wed.
As Mark and Rachel
have decided to marry

and have promised to be loving
and faithful to each other

through all the circumstances
life may bring,

have exchanged rings
as a token of that pledge,

I declare that they are
husband and Wife.

- I love you.
- I love you.
