
And this...
...Why We bought the place.
It's the... It's the original fireplace.
What do you think?
Yeah, you have to use
your imagination.

It's going to be beautiful.
Not necessarily in your lifetime.
It's just that there's no door
to the kitchen.

The back door.
The back door.
It's true.
You can get into the kitchen...
...through the back door.
This, We knoW is a kitchen.
But you can't get inside the house
from in the kitchen!

NoW, hoW the fuck
did this happen?!

Mark. For God's sake.
Laszlo, We thought that
you could put a door here.

She's a piece of cake.
- He's a piece of cake.
- It's a piece of cake.

- You are Hungarian?
- No. You are Hungarian.

- Yes.
- Yes. Hungarians have no pronouns.

Apparently they don't have
fucking doors, either.

She is very angry at me.
He is very angry at you. Yes.
- Why aren't you angry at him?
- It's only a door, honey.

It Will be extra, yes?
