- People don't lie about things like that.
- Contractors lie about everything.
- What'd he say, "I have cancer"?
- Exactly.
Well, he probably meant
that "he" has cancer.
- Who?
- HoW do I knoW? Someone.
I don't knoW. His father.
His father's dead.
We'll go over to his house,
have a look at him.
If he looks OK, I'll kill him.
He has an unlisted address.
- What are you talking about?
- Oh, Well, it's the latest thing.
What kind of person
has an unlisted address?
I'll tell you What kind of person.
The kind that doesn't Want to be dead.
The kind people are trying
to kill all the time.
- Why are you angry at me for?
- I'm not angry at you.
Then What are you shouting at me for?
Because you're the only one
that's here.
I hate it When you get angry.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm not angry at you.
I love you.
I'm not angry at you.
We can't have a baby in this. It'll have
asthma before it's a month old.
Well, We'll just have to Wait till We
finish the house to have a baby.
If this is your Way of telling me
that We've got less than nine months
to finish this renovation,
it's a really Weird Way of doing it.
Well, We...
We're having a baby. I think.
I think We're having a baby.
- We're having a baby.
- Yeah.