
- What goes With Forman?
- Oh, no last names in group.

- We're thinking of Ann.
- Ann? Just Ann?

- What's Wrong With Ann?
- I like Ann.

- Where'd you get the ring?
- What? This?

Mark gave me this
When I got pregnant.

- Oh, my God.
- I thought you said

- you Weren't gonna have a baby.
- Yeah, Well, I changed my mind.

Vera's happy,
even if you're not, Diana.

I'm happy.
Really, I am. I am.
Veronica Lake.
- Janet Leigh.
- Oh, Arthur, don't you think

- Janet Leigh's a little obvious?
- Don't pay any attention to them, Julie.

- Honey, you didn't start yet, did you?
- No, I Waited for you.

- All right? All right. This is for the hall.
- OK.

And this is for the nursery.
What do you think?

- I love this.
- What do you call this color?

- Taupe.
- Do you think We'll get tired of it?

Taupe? Never. Taupe.
What can I say?
I've alWays been terrible With colors.

It comes from having groWn up
With the single-roW box of crayons,

instead of the big box.
If I had had the big box, I Would
noW knoW taupe and cerise and ecru.

- Instead, all I knoW is burnt sienna.
- I think there's a column in this.

- Oh, God.
- Forman, every time I say something,

it ends up in your column.
- You can have it if you Want it.
- It's mine. I said it.

I get to say, "You can have
it if you Want it", not you.

- Well, do you Want it or not?
- Yes.

Well, What're you gonna do With it?
Write it up in some laW revieW?

He doesn't have to
do anything With it.

- Hi, honey.
- Hey.

I don't knoW if you need this or...
Where'd you find arugula
in Washington, Betty?

Oh, I only had to
drive 15 miles for it.

- Hey, hoW are you?
- Oh, God. Wonderful.

Oh, I'll tell you Who.
Rita Hayworth.

The peerless Rita, yes.
Ava Gardner.
