
- Senators alWays talk about condos.
- This is true. Who else could it be?

You knoW, I don't knoW hoW anybody
gets anything going in this toWn.

Nobody even flirts here.
Jonathan is not being
sent to Bangladesh.

Why not?
Because We still care
about Bangladesh.

Mark, your turn.
"Columnist. In love. Married. Father.
Choked on that first one, didn't you?
- Hi.
- Hi. Thank you.

You're Welcome.
Thelma Rice had her legs Waxed.
For the first time. Need I say more?
He's in love With someone else.
Hold still. He comes over last night,

and he drops it on me.
He's in love With someone else

- but still Wants to be friends.
- This just happened?

- Last night?
- Hold still.

I says, "I don't Wanna be friends
With you."

He says, "Why not?" I says,
"Because you're a real shithead.

- "That's Why."
- Don't do too much...

I'll do one side. If you don't like it,
We'll take it doWn.

You knoW What he says to me?
He says:

"You mean you're not even
gonna cut my hair anymore?"

He falls in love With someone
else While going With me,

and he actually thinks I'm gonna
go on cutting his hair.

I can't believe
I didn't figure it out.

He kept dropping one clue
after another, right into my lap.

He has to go jogging.
He has to go and do errands

that take four times
longer than it'd take
